Date: Every Thursday
Time: 6:30 – 8:00 PM
Instructor: Maythe Ortiz
Location: Room 213, Dance Studio
Ages: 13+
Skill Level: All Levels
Class Fee: $10 per session
About the class
Flow in Gentle Yoga is a practice of synchronization between postures, somatic movement, breathing and self-awareness. The conscious practice consists of exploring movement and stillness to help you develop a more compassionate relationship with yourself and your body. It usually involves therapeutic movements that aim to: release tension, improve mobility, strengthen the immune system and foster a deeper connection with oneself. Creating patience, care, kindness and compassion for your body, regardless of age or physical condition, promotes control and management of daily stress, depression and anxiety; thus leading us to self-healing.
Fluye en Yoga Suave es una practica de sincronizacion entre las posturas, el movimiento somatico, la respiración y la auto conciencia. La practica consciente consiste en explorar el movimiento y la quietud para ayudarte a desarrollar una relación más compasiva contigo mismo y con tu cuerpo. Por lo general, implica movimientos terapéuticos que tienen como objetivo: liberar la tensión, mejorar la movilidad, fortalecer el sistema inmunologico y fomentar una conexión más profunda con uno mismo. Creando al mismo tiempo, paciencia, cuidado, amabilidad y compasión para tu cuerpo, sin importar la edad o la condicion fisica, promoviendo el control y manejo del estres cotidiano, la deprecion y la ansiedad; llevandonos de esta manera a la auto sanacion.
About the Instructor
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If you have any questions regarding the use of your code, you can contact Sean Baskin at or call the office at (707)938-4626.
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The Sonoma Community Center is committed to creating an accessible learning environment. If you require any special considerations(medical, physical, learning) please share them with Sean Baskin, Program Associate, by emailing him at so that he can forward them to the relevant Program Director and Instructor.
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