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Tell Your Story – Creative Writing Workshop

Recurring event see all

October 1 @ 6:00 pm 8:00 pm

Dates: Tuesdays, September 17 – October 22
 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Total Sessions:
 Isabell Van Merlin
Location: Room 211, Conference Room
Adults, 18+
Skill Level:
 All Levels
Registration Fee: $120 for all 6 weeks
Drop In Fee: $25

About the class

“Everyone has something of value to say.”

Everyone has a story… and I want to hear yours!  We will read stories that other people have written from their lives while you are writing yours. We will share our stories in this safe place and learn how easy and fascinating it is to relate to others’ lives, too. We are here to express. And we are unique individuals. Bring a story or a start of a story to the first class on paper, please.

Please share any special considerations (medical, physical, learning) that will help your instructor make your class accessible and accommodating for you. You can share these considerations when registering or by emailing Sean at

When you register for a class, you’ll be offered three price tiers. The middle tier comes closest to what our registration fees used to be, and covers about 50% of the full cost of your participation in the class – with the other 50% covered by community donations. The first tier creates accessibility for people with limited income, while the third tier covers the full cost of participation – so that we can use community donations to support other people’s registration costs. When you choose to register at the third tier, you directly help support the Center’s efforts to remove financial barriers for others.

The Sonoma Community Center (the Center) strives to create an inclusive, safe community where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. The Center is committed to creating such an environment because it brings out the fullest potential in each of us, which, in turn, contributes directly to creating a community of belonging. In order to ensure a positive, safe, and welcoming experience for everyone, all program participants are asked to abide by the following policies, community agreements, and restorative safety protocol.

About the instructor

Isabell Van Merlin


Isabell Van Merlin is a dedicated educator. With an MA in Creative Arts from San Francisco State, she has taught everything from English as a Second Language, Spanish, Creative Writing, and Photo Silk-screen Printing to Dowsing and alternative healing therapies. Isabell founded and hosted an open mic for the spoken word for ten years, producing eight anthologies from this group. She is passionate about education and is known for her ability to inspire students to create and achieve goals they never dreamed of. Isabell has also traveled extensively and learned from and taught students from many different countries and cultures.

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