Electric Vehicle Chargers at Sonoma Community Center
The Sonoma Community Center, in partnership with Tesla and the City of Sonoma, is proud to be the host location for a new EV charging station in Sonoma.
The Center has a longstanding commitment to sustainability. As the stewards of a historic building, preservation is a primary responsibility of ours, and we consider long-term (environmental) sustainability to be an important tool in helping to ensure the longevity of our building and organization.
- The new charging station includes 10 electric vehicle chargers: 8 Tesla “L3” Superchargers and 2 “L2” or universal vehicle chargers. The chargers are available for public use; the L2 chargers will work with any electric vehicle and the universal chargers are free to use; Tesla is covering the cost of electricity.
- These L2 chargers are now some of the only ones publicly accessible in the City of Sonoma. We ask that people using the L2 universal chargers limit their time to 3 hours to ensure that the chargers remain available to the community at large.
The Center considers these 10 chargers to be a service to the community and city. We are also excited to expand our contribution to environmental sustainability, and we see these chargers as an opportunity for community engagement: they will bring new people to the Sonoma Community Center campus, offering us a chance to introduce them to the wonderful programs we offer.
If members of the public have questions about the electric vehicle chargers at the Sonoma Community Center, they are welcome to contact Josh Cutler, Director of Operations, at josh@sonomacommunitycenter.org or (707) 931-4291.
While visitors are charging their cars, we invite them to come in, enjoy a cup of coffee or visit our FREE Community gallery upstairs in room 212. Come on in!