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Introduction to Printmaking

What exactly is printmaking? We invite you to our print studio to experience this exciting art form. Explore one technique from four methods of printmaking in this special, hands-on evening class. Join Kelly in this unique introduction to print through the world of monotype, relief, intaglio and stencil printing. We’ve taken her popular one-day workshop and extended it into four short evening sessions. You will walk away with a basic understanding of each method our Sonoma studio supports within the family of printmaking and explore how you can join our open studio family! 

⦁ Monotype – Create a single print on a flat matrix using a variety of colors and playful textures.

⦁ Relief – Carve, ink and rub out a print using a mini linoleum square and a linocut tool. 

⦁ Intaglio – Draw, scratch and ink onto a plastic or coated surface to roll out a creative print using a small press. 

⦁ Stencil – Pull a screen and learn to cut, transfer and push ink through a flat stencil to make a print impression.

All materials provided. No prior printmaking experience necessary.

Kelly Autumn

Instructor / Artist

Kelly Autumn is a Northern California multidisciplinary artist based in Oakland and Santa Rosa. Kelly received her BA in Fashion & Textile Design from San Francisco State University and her AA in Studio Art with an emphasis in Printmaking from Diablo Valley College. She is an exhibiting artist throughout the Bay Area. Since 2020, Kelly has been an Artist in Residence with the Sonoma Community Center and currently works as an instructor and creative coordinator within the Youth Arts and Print Studio programs at the Center. She is also a teaching artist with the Sonoma Valley Museum of Art and serves on the Board of Directors of the California Society of Printmakers.

When you register for a class, you’ll be offered three price tiers. The middle tier comes closest to what our registration fees used to be, and covers about 50% of the full cost of your participation in the class – with the other 50% covered by community donations. The first tier creates accessibility for people with limited income, while the third tier covers the full cost of participation – so that we can use community donations to support other people’s registration costs. When you choose to register at the third tier, you directly help support the Center’s efforts to remove financial barriers for others.

The Sonoma Community Center (the Center) strives to create an inclusive, safe community where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. The Center is committed to creating such an environment because it brings out the fullest potential in each of us, which, in turn, contributes directly to creating a community of belonging. In order to ensure a positive, safe, and welcoming experience for everyone, all program participants are asked to abide by the following policies, community agreements, and restorative safety protocol.

October 2, 2023 @ 5:30 pm 7:30 pm

Date: Mondays, October 2nd – 23rd
5:30 – 7:30 PM
Total Sessions:
Kelly Autumn
Room 208, Printmaking Studio
Adults, 16+
Skill Level:
Sliding Scale:
$90 / $160 / $210
Materials Fee: $25
Financial Aid Availabl
e – Apply Here

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