Fecha: 31 de marzo, 2025
Hora: 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Instructor: Monica Ramirez
Ubicación: Sala 208, Estudio de Impresión
Edades: Todas las edades
Nivel de habilidad: Comienzo
Tarifa de inscripción: $35
Tarifa de materiales: $5
Date: March 31, 2025
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Instructor: Monica Ramirez
Location: Room 208, Print Studio
Ages: All Ages
Skill Level: Beginning
Registration Fee: $35
Materials Fee: $5
Acerca de la Clase / About the class
¡Únete a nosotros en una serie de talleres de acuarela de un día diseñados para principiantes, impartidos en español! Cada sesión de 2 horas ofrece una introducción divertida y relajada a la pintura con acuarela, centrándose en un tema diferente en cada ocasión. Perfectos para aquellos que siempre han querido probar la acuarela pero no sabían por dónde empezar, estos talleres proporcionan todos los materiales que necesitas, desde pinceles hasta pinturas, para que solo tengas que llegar y empezar a crear. Ya sea pintando naturaleza, animales o flores, ¡saldrás de cada sesión con nuevas habilidades y una sensación de logro creativo! Toma una, dos o las tres sesiones.
Join us for a series of one-day watercolor workshops designed for beginners, taught in Spanish! Each 2-hour session offers a fun and relaxed introduction to watercolor painting, focusing on a different theme each time. Perfect for those who have always wanted to try watercolor but didn’t know where to start, these workshops provide all the materials you need, from brushes to paints, so all you have to do is show up and start creating. Whether painting nature, animals, or flowers, you’ll leave each session with new skills and a sense of creative accomplishment! Take one, two, or all three sessions.
Sobre la Instructora / About the Instructor
Instructor / Artist
Are you an SCC Member? All Memberships(Excluding the $50/year tier) receive 10% off any purchase above $40. You should have received your discount code in your membership confirmation email.
If you have any questions regarding the use of your code, you can contact Sean Baskin at sean@sonomacommunitycenter.org or call the office at (707)938-4626.
Not a member? View more information about our monthly and yearly plans here.
The Sonoma Community Center is committed to creating an accessible learning environment. If you require any special considerations(medical, physical, learning) please share them with Sean Baskin, Program Associate, by emailing him at sean@sonomacommunitycenter.org so that he can forward them to the relevant Program Director and Instructor.
Preguntas y respuestas / Questions and Answers