
Calendar of Events

M Mon

T Tue

W Wed

T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

S Sun

2 events,

- Recurring

Yang Style 24 Tai Chi

5 events,

- Recurring

Printmaking Open Studio


Introduction to Printmaking

3 events,

3 events,

- Recurring

Bilingual Yoga with Maythe Ortiz

0 events,

2 events,


Free Solar Suitcase Family Workshop

- Recurring

Figure Arts Open Studio

1 event,


Hand-Tied Spring Bouquets

3 events,

- Recurring

Yang Style 24 Tai Chi

- Recurring

Clase de Hierbas Medicinales

- Recurring

Monday Evening Stretch

1 event,

- Recurring

Country Line Dancing & Lessons

4 events,

- Recurring

Wednesday Morning Stretch

- Recurring

Monday Evening Stretch

- Recurring

Free Spirits Gospel Choir

4 events,

- Recurring

Dance Fit for Posture and Balance


Sew a Potter’s Apron

- Recurring

Bilingual Yoga with Maythe Ortiz

1 event,

2 events,

- Recurring

Plein Air Tree Sketching in MultiMedia at Jack London State Park

0 events,

2 events,

- Recurring

Yang Style 24 Tai Chi

- Recurring

Monday Evening Stretch

0 events,

6 events,


Drawing & Painting Atelier – Wednesdays

- Recurring

Wednesday Morning Stretch


Next-Level Acrylic Painting

- Recurring

Monday Evening Stretch

- Recurring

Free Spirits Gospel Choir

6 events,


Sold Out – Drawing & Painting Atelier – Thursdays


Basic Drawing & Beyond

- Recurring

Dance Fit for Posture and Balance

- Recurring

Bilingual Yoga with Maythe Ortiz

0 events,

5 events,


Mokuhanga (Ukiyo-e) Japanese Woodblock Printmaking


Tuscan Grill


The Garden as Vessel; Visiting Artist Workshop with Emily Schroeder Willis

- Recurring

Figure Arts Open Studio

1 event,


Colors of Oaxaca: A Natural Tie-Dye Workshop

3 events,

- Recurring

Yang Style 24 Tai Chi

- Recurring

Clase de Hierbas Medicinales

- Recurring

Monday Evening Stretch

1 event,

- Recurring

Country Line Dancing & Lessons

4 events,

- Recurring

Wednesday Morning Stretch

- Recurring

Queer Art Club

- Recurring

Free Spirits Gospel Choir

3 events,

- Recurring

Dance Fit for Posture and Balance

- Recurring

Bilingual Yoga with Maythe Ortiz

0 events,

1 event,

- Recurring

Plein Air Watercolor Landscapes at Jack London Park

0 events,

1 event,

- Recurring

Yang Style 24 Tai Chi

2 events,

- Recurring

Monthly Makers Meeting

- Recurring

Country Line Dancing & Lessons

2 events,

- Recurring

Making Math Moments (Math Enrichment)

- Recurring

Free Spirits Gospel Choir

1 event,

- Recurring

Bilingual Yoga with Maythe Ortiz

0 events,

1 event,


Fiesta: Empanadas, Sopes, and Churros Workshop

0 events,


Country Line Dancing & Lessons


Country Line Dancing & Lessons


Country Line Dancing & Lessons

Stay updated on the latest from the Center