
Calendar of Events

M Mon

T Tue

W Wed

T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

S Sun

7 events,

“Hidden Gems” – 5th Annual Earth Day Photo Contest

- Recurring

Yang Style 24 Tai Chi


Handbuilding 101 w/ Deborah Donahower


Floreciendo con acuarelas: Guía para principiantes en pintura de flores


Sold Out – Pottery on the Wheel; All Levels w/ Ben Betourne

- Recurring

Monday Evening Stretch


Sold Out – Pottery on the Wheel; Intermediate w/ Ben Betourne

7 events,

- Recurring


- Recurring

Tuesday Morning Yoga


Pottery on the Wheel; All Levels w/ Deborah Donahower

- Recurring

Printmaking Open Studio


Art in Emergency; Handbuilding w/ Dan Clauson

- Recurring

Country Line Dancing & Lessons

8 events,

- Recurring

Wednesday Morning Stretch

- Recurring

Bilingual Move & Play for Parents and Children


Exploring Spring Through Slabs

- Recurring

Monday Evening Stretch


Pottery on the Wheel: Intermediate w/ Ben Betourne


Beginning Machine Sewing

- Recurring

Free Spirits Gospel Choir

6 events,

- Recurring

April – Thursday After School: Culinary & Ceramics

- Recurring

Dance Fit for Posture and Balance

- Recurring



Pottery on the Wheel; Intro w/ Ben Betourne

- Recurring

Bilingual Yoga with Maythe Ortiz

2 events,


From 2D to 3D; Building Sculpturally with Resident Artist Christian Moses

6 events,


Creative Movement & Dance(ages 3 – 5)

- Recurring

Figure Arts Open Studio


Surface Toolkit Series: Stamping & Sprig Molds


Jazz & Ballet Combo(ages 5-7)


Jazz & Ballet Combo(Ages 8-12)

3 events,


Abstraction in Monotypes


Make a Trashionator Hat!

5 events,

- Recurring

Yang Style 24 Tai Chi

- Recurring

Clase de Hierbas Medicinales


Clase de Acuarela para Principiantes (Enseñada en Español)

- Recurring

Monday Evening Stretch

3 events,

- Recurring

Tuesday Morning Yoga

6 events,


Profiteroles & Gougeres

6 events,

- Recurring


- Recurring

Quilts for L.A.

4 events,


Springtime in Rome

3 events,


Tetra Etcetera

4 events,

- Recurring

Yang Style 24 Tai Chi

4 events,


Master Essential Knife Skills

7 events,

- Recurring

Queer Art Club

6 events,

- Recurring


- Recurring

Quilts for L.A.

2 events,

5 events,

2 events,

4 events,

- Recurring

Yang Style 24 Tai Chi

4 events,

4 events,


French Bistro Night

4 events,

- Recurring


2 events,

- Recurring

SoulCollage Exploration

3 events,

1 event,

2 events,

- Recurring

Yang Style 24 Tai Chi

5 events,


Introduction to Printmaking

3 events,

3 events,

0 events,

2 events,

1 event,


Hand-Tied Spring Bouquets

Stay updated on the latest from the Center