Schedule: Fridays February 21, March 21, and April 25
Time: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Instructor: Tomoko Murakami
Location: Room 208, Print Studio
Ages: Adult
Skill Level: All Levels
Registration Fee: $55 per class
Materials Fee: $5 per class
This class consists of 3 independent workshops.
You may sign up for any of the sessions.
About the class
SoulCollage®, created by Seena B. Frost, is a creative, fun tool for self-discovery. It involves creating and intuitively analyzing a deck of colorful, collaged SoulCollage® cards. This workshop will introduce you to intuitive collage-making, guided visualization, journaling, and optional sharing. We will focus on a different suit each month, expanding your inner landscape. No experience is required; come as you are! Materials are provided.
February – The Community Suit
We will focus on the Community Suit, your support team. The suit honors and celebrates the places, people, and animals who support, love, and make a difference in our lives.
It contains cards for those beings that impact your personal story with their special energy. ~ Seena Frost, SoulCollage® Evolving, p. 31
March – The Council Suit
The cards in this suit symbolize spirit guides and archetypes who guide you in your daily life, or who have guided you in the past, or those you wish to receive guidance from in the future.
My Council cards are particularly important in helping me grow more aware and alert to the invisible but real energies that surround me in my life journey. I can sometimes almost feel these “angels” guiding and supporting and even challenging me.
~ Seena Frost, Founder of SoulCollage®
April – The Companion Suit
This suit has seven cards. Each represents and honors an animal energy, one for each of the seven chakra energies. This suit is all about the energetic dimensions of life. Examples: Wolf, Octopus, Eagle, Skunk, Dragon, Squirrel, Honeybee, and Hippopotamus.
About the Instructor
Are you an SCC Member? All Memberships(Excluding the $50/year tier) receive 10% off any purchase above $40. You should have received your discount code in your membership confirmation email.
If you have any questions regarding the use of your code, you can contact Sean Baskin at or call the office at (707)938-4626.
Not a member? View more information about our monthly and yearly plans here.
The Sonoma Community Center is committed to creating an accessible learning environment. If you require any special considerations(medical, physical, learning) please share them with Sean Baskin, Program Associate, by emailing him at so that he can forward them to the relevant Program Director and Instructor.
Questions and Answers